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Global Point Relocation Solutions continually strives to reach new heights as the premier Real Estate Brokerage in Southern California. We promote a culture of community in the workplace and expect our agents to deliver a premier, personalized service to our clients through technological innovation and an in depth knowledge of an ever changing real estate market. We maintain a broad based regional focus including the most distinctive localities throughout Los Angeles and Orange County CA.

Are you ready to buy?What do you want in a Neighborhood

As with any major purchase, it pays to be informed prior to making any large purchase. As experienced buyers already know, buying a home is a complicated process, so it’s important to start at the beginning and thoroughly understand each step. Whether you’re buying your first home or your third, make sure you have the necessary financial resources and have explored all your options before you purchase a new home.

If you’re a first-time buyer, you should weigh the pros and cons of homeownership versus renting. There are many advantages and disadvantages to consider. For example, renters have the freedom of mobility if they choose to move, but their monthly rent checks do not establish long-term equity or produce any other benefits. And while homeowners’ mortgage payments accumulate equity, these payments are generally higher than rent payments and come with the responsibility to manage the care and upkeep of the property.

Both new and experienced buyers have their own sets of financial considerations when it comes to buying a home. Move-up buyers should evaluate their financial situation to ensure they’re prepared to meet the higher mortgage payments involved with relocating. Likewise, first-time buyers should determine if monthly mortgage payments fit in their budgets. In addition, you’ll need to be prepared to cover the down payment and closing costs. And, you should consider whether you meet the basic criteria to qualify for a mortgage; lenders prefer that applicants offer a stable job history and a good credit record.

It pays to do your research!

First-time and experienced buyers alike may find themselves overwhelmed by the mortgage process. With so many mortgage options — each offering unique advantages and disadvantages — determining the early steps to take can be baffling. Before initiating the mortgage process, you’ll want to be fully educated. Whether you peruse Web sites or attend a mortgage seminar, there are many ways to find out what to expect. And as always, your Global Point Relocation Solutions Broker can answer any questions surrounding the home purchase process

Published on 2014-08-04 14:17:17